Why Keep K9 Training Logs?

If you have been involved with search and rescue for any length of time you are familiar with training logs. A search of any working dog social media group will produce results regarding training log discussions. You may keep training logs simply because someone such as a supervisor, team leader or well-known trainer has told…

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It’s All About YOU

A few weeks ago I came to you live on Facebook from the hot and humid woods of Illinois where I was a decoy for my teammates during their trailing workshop. Don’t get me wrong, I love to train! Especially when I get to work my own dog. But there are a lot of benefits…

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K9 Water Training – Where We Go Wrong

HRD Water workshops are among our most requested courses at CFTE. From beginner to operational teams, handlers are always looking for ways to improve their water recovery skills, and more specifically their boat search skills. As a result, we have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of dogs and handlers. THE PROBLEM Water is…

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It’s All About Balance

During a recent workshop one of the handlers asked me how I divided my time between water, disaster and land/wilderness HRD. I’ve been doing it so long I don’t spend much time consciously thinking about it anymore, but the truth is, it’s a balancing act. I firmly believe that a dog is capable of doing…

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K9 Decon: Your Partner’s Health And Safety Are On The Line

Are You Prepared? Canine decontamination is a scary topic.  For many handlers this thought has never crossed their mind.  However, our canine partners are frequently exposed to dangerous environments while on a mission and it is our responsibility to mitigate the risk of exposure in order to ensure their safety and continued good health. It…

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What A Cute Puppy!

“What a CUTE puppy! Can I meet him? He’s so sweet!” After training numerous retrievers for SAR work I’m used to hearing this on a daily basis. Yes, it’s hard to find anything cuter than a Golden Retriever puppy. If you follow my personal Facebook page it’s currently filled with photos of a peacefully sleeping…

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Part 4: Blue-Green Algae & Your Search Dog

In the final installment of our 4-part series on blue-green algae, CFTE Founder and K9 Handler Deana Hudgins shares practical tips for keeping your K9 partner safe while you continue to serve your community and respond to callouts. What do we know about blue-green algae? Now you know what blue green algae is, why it’s…

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