HRD Land Beginner – Large Source June 1-2, 2024

HRD Land Beginner – Large Source

June 1-2, 2024

Target Audience: Teams that have at least 6 months of HRD training, dog has a started trained final response, and is at least 8 months old.

Topics: Field work will focus on guided exposure to large sources building up to include full sets of remains, utilizing final response drills before/after exposure to large sources, and troubleshooting training issues.

Availability: Space is limited to 30 working spots. Unlimited auditor spots are available.

Schedule: June 1 0800 – 1600

June 2 0800 – 1600

Cost: Working Spot (1 dog only) $450, Auditor Spot $150

Location: Dayton, OH

Hotels: A block of rooms will be held near the training site. Upon completing your registration, you will receive an email with hotel information so that you can reserve your room.

Prerequisites: 1. Dog must be at least 8 months old and have at least 6 months of HR training.       2. Dog must be current on core vaccinations or have a current titer.

Payment must be received for registration to be complete. Once the registration form is complete you will receive a receipt and email confirmation.

Working Spot


Auditor Spot
