
2025 Workshops

Workshops offer
opportunities for every skill level of dog and handler.

Which workshop is right for you?

Contact us at if you need help selecting the right workshop. 

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Spike's School Handler Application

HRD Land - Large Source Workshops

These workshops are designed to provide a progressive training opportunity to expose yourself and your dog to large sources up to full sets of remains. Beginner will guide you through introducing your dog to large sources. Intermediate is designed for teams that are ready to move past exposure to guided searches. Advanced Scenarios gives you the opportunity to put your skills to the test with blind and know exercises that simulate real world searches. Click on a workshop below to learn more.

HRD Water Workshops

From beginning teams just starting out to advanced teams that are routinely responding to water
searches, we have a workshop to meet your training needs. Beginner will teach you how to develop and implement a water search protocol for shoreline and introduce you to boat operations. Intermediate will focus on extending nose time on open water and shoreline searches, and effectively using search strategy. Advanced Scenarios will offer numerous opportunities for known and blind searches in moving and still water environments that simulate real world searches. Click on a workshop below to learn more.

HRD Land Specialized Workshops

These workshops are land based and geared to specific training objectives. HRD Land Introduction is
designed for teams new to HRD work whether it’s a puppy or and adult dog, this workshop will get you started on the right path and help you avoid training pitfalls. HRD Advanced Distractions will challenge you to work through the most distracting conditions you will face during real searches including live animals and hoarding conditions. HRD Crime Scene will prepare you to work criminal cases with varying source sizes from trace to large sources in building, vehicle, and wide area environments. HRD Burn Workshop will prepare local, state and federal responders to respond to fire scenes including house fires and wildfires. Click on a workshop below to learn more.